Today ~ Saturday 29th Dec 2007
From Sharon Bakar's blog:
Readings' December: The Christmas and New Year Edition
Catch our next monthly writers event:
Date: 29th December, 2007
Time: 3.30pm
Place: Seksan's, 67, Jalan Tempinis Satu,
Lucky Garden, Bangsar
MAP : pls go to Kak Teh's blog (I am so lazy to do the link!)
The readers for this month are:
Ajay M.K.
Amir Hafizi
Awang Goneng (Wan Ahmad Hulaimi)
Dina Zaman
Patrick Teoh
Shinji Moriwaki
Admission free, snacky things and drinks provided, and everyone very welcome.Please pass on the invitation to anyone else you think might be interested.
Quote of the Day :
Life is half spent before we know what it is (George Herbert)
Readings' December: The Christmas and New Year Edition
Catch our next monthly writers event:
Date: 29th December, 2007
Time: 3.30pm
Place: Seksan's, 67, Jalan Tempinis Satu,
Lucky Garden, Bangsar
MAP : pls go to Kak Teh's blog (I am so lazy to do the link!)
The readers for this month are:
Ajay M.K.
Amir Hafizi
Awang Goneng (Wan Ahmad Hulaimi)
Dina Zaman
Patrick Teoh
Shinji Moriwaki
Admission free, snacky things and drinks provided, and everyone very welcome.Please pass on the invitation to anyone else you think might be interested.
Quote of the Day :