Have you, ever, blogged on a leap day ?
Nope. I have not ! So this is some kind of motivation for me to scribble something to mark this day. :)
Today is the last day of February 2008. Looking back, I think I have fully utilised the first two months of 2008. A lot has happened at the restaurant and we are progressing really well at the catering front. The best part was, most of our catering clients confirmed their orders even without coming for food testing. Thanks to the power of a website and recommendation through words of mouth. So far only one client came for a jolly good time testing the food since the party is for a bigger pax.
Aha! It's pay day as well. I've never paid salary on a leap day either.
I didn't keep my promise to blog regularly here but I did update the photos at our cool oasis here. Please feel free to drool over the photos. ;-)
May I take this opportunity to congratulate my dear friend, SR, who tendered his resignation yesterday and joining the entrepreneur bandwagon soon ! You've finally crossed that bridge! Just remember that, if you want to get to the other side (be in own business), you must cross that bridge first otherwise... you will never ever get to the other side.
...and please also remember this... business is only 10% brain, the other 90% are guts. You must have a lot of guts to remain in business and to make a lot of business decisions.
Till then, may you have a very happy leaping day!