Monday, April 28, 2008

Cukup Umur

Another year has passed. A very personal day to reflect on one's life achievements. Assessing the good & the bad.

It is always a day reminding me on how long more I've got left.

A lot indeed that I've still got to do.

That many thousands seconds that passed do not matter anymore. My wish is that I do not waste that many thousands seconds to come.

Today Brother Chef said Siakap Tiga Rasa is on the menu for the birthday celebration.

Hoorayyyyy !!!



Atok said...

epi birthdey!
macam tak cukup je lilin tu, hehe.

LifeBloom said...

Appy appy Bersday....U dont look a day older than 18 K Chut! Many happy returns and May Allah SWT bless you in many2x wonderful ways..

Count Byron said...

Wow.. another April child.. and so am I.
Wowwww time flies.. since that day when your slippers walked away, having a mind of its own.. the travel surely takes you places HT.

I really miss those Ramadhan fillers.. May you be happy, always!


p.s. will make it to the restaurant next time i'm in town ( I must locate this place, and the whole entourage should make an appearance.. including the cucu )

Honeytar said...

Atok: Thank you Atok! Ehhh ehhh... umor saya baru ampat tahon ! ;-)

Lifebloom: 18 ??!!! hehehehe... thank you darling for the ego booster and thank you for your doa. May Allah bless you too dear... :)

Count: Counttttttttt..!!!! I missss youuuu..!!!! How time really flies....

Ohhh dear... you must call me the next time you're in KL and have time to meet me ok ?

Happy Belated Birthday to you! April child are THE greatest! ;-)