Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I still remember my teacher taught me the rule of thumb in English spelling " 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' ".
Then, they always have this 'exception to the rule' (eg. in spelling 'weird') which make all of us pening kepala
. Very weird language, they are.

Anyway... something weird happened this morning...
Went to bed at about 1.00am.

Woke up at 2.00am cos I heard something whispering on my left ear.

Woke up again at 2.45am cos got a missed call from a number I didn't recognised 019-963 xxxx.

Terjaga again at 4.00am cos again, I heard a voice called my name, this time on my right ear. Yeahh... right.

Look at the clock, 4.00am, and said, "God, please wake me up at 5.00am cos I am very sleepy today".

God granted my wish to continue sleeping and let me sleep even longer.

Woke up at 6.00am instead and ter-missed my sahur.

Moral of the story : Dibulan yang mulia ini... dah kena kejut pukul 4.00am tu rajin2lah bangun solat Tahajjud... kut2 rezeki terjumpa malam seribu bulan... iskk...kan dah rugi... :(

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