Thursday, January 3, 2008


I had so many stories to write for 2007 but it just remained there at the back of my mind. ;-)

2007 was a very challenging year for me & brother chef running the restaurant but Alhamdulillah we survived our first year.

Yesterday morning we had catering at client's office, a buffet breakfast on the first day at work for 2008. Then at 1pm, a bus load of tourists came for lunch at the restaurant. At the same time another catering order came in confirming a two day Seminar Package for next week. We smiled all day feeling that it was a great start for a brand New Year! Alhamdulillah... :)

I was taking some photos of tourists enjoying the food yesterday when suddenly my beloved Casio Exilim blinked this message "lense error". The lense goes back & forth but refuse to go back to its original position and then whoooshhhhh... the button refuse to click. At that moment, I suddenly remember admiring Kak Teh's brand new Casio Exilim (a much better version) which she just bought at Heathrow. ;-)

Can't upload any new photos for now... :(

I renewed my resolution every Monday so no new year's resolution for me.

I wish all readers a much better year ahead and a great New Year!

Quote of the Day: Man is by nature a political animal ~ Aristotle


Atok said...

wahhh...koho maju, molek..molek.

when we were in san diego/la hari tu, kami makan sakan, yelah...semuanya american portion. sampai nak pecah perut pekena seafood buffet :)

ruby ahmad said...

Hi Honey,

Happy Noo Year.

I thought I would meet up with you again with Kak Teh and company. Yes, we had a great time at Dome sampai sundown..ha ha! Women!

Honeytar said...

Atok: Terima kasih! Yes I saw yr posting on San Diego and it looks sooo tempting!

Honeytar said...

Hellooo Ruby! Happy Noooo Year to you tooo ! :)

Sorry I didn't manage to join that day. My guests who's supposed to come at Tok Li at 2pm reached here 3.30pm instead and we only dispersed at 8pm!

Glad you guys had a great time. Will meet you soon at MPH Midvalley 20th Jan for AG's book signing ok ?