I voted for my birthday party and Uncle Vellu got his worst ever birthday celebration. :) Well, that's too bad Uncle Vellu. I am sure many people like me are still sore about the LDP toll rates at Sri Damansara. The 60% increase from RM1 to RM1.60 is too much for us to bear every single day. TWICE a day! It's definitely going to be quite an interesting 5 years. I wanted to see how the new MBs are going to address common complaints especially that involves the rakyats pockets. Owhh.. I also wanted to see the bungalow with many rooms in Pandamaran, Klang being investigated and parties involved being charged. I hope no documents (hence the evidence) are being destroyed during the handover.
The minister who accused "bloggers syok sendiri" is also eating his heart out by now. That minister not only lost his seat, but probably lost his sleep too. Like it or not, bloggers DO have cyber powers that translated into votes.
Congratulations to bloggers who won. If you didn't deliver, we'll definitely vote you out in the next round just like the fate of few ministers. Fuhh... biggest casualties ever in history ! Owhh btw, I think the Shah Alam MP lost his because of many reasons especially flood in TTDI Jaya which has cost millions of Ringgit to the house owners (including my sister's!). Thank you for NOT listening to the rakyat!
Few years back I see blogger Nik Nazmi as one of our future leaders though I didn't fancy him working with his current boss. Having won the N32 Seri Setia state seat, I now see Nik Nazmi as the future Prime Minister. The young blood (he's only 26) who reads widely and certainly has great vision, also has photographic skill which I admire.
I've got only one thing to say about managing people. No doubt it is the most difficult task. Doesn't matter whether it's just a small establishment (managing 14 staff in a small restaurant) or dealing with thousands of rakyat, just remember that when you deal with the people, it's their pockets that you've got to think first. If you didn't care about mending the big hole in their pocket, you're not going to be their Wakil Rakyat in the next round.
Last but not least, Penang's Chief Minister stepped down voluntarily and taking the blame on his party's defeat. I sincerely hope our PM will do the same too. Don't be like the frog in a boiling pot tales.
Till then, happy Monday everybody! Quote of the Day : Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future. Niels Bohr
[Photo: Boss2 pakai topi duduk dalam kedai under the shade, macchai2 kepanasan naikkan posters]They (emceeA) put this up last weekend in support for the P098 parliament candidate. The candidate is our regular customer at Tok Li since his office is just a few doors away from us.
Last year he helped us with some matters regarding the local authorities. We salute him for that because it's not we who went to him for favours but it's him who came to us and offer his help & that was way before he was elected.
P098 is one hot seat with 76% voters being Malays. Looking at the crowd coming for the opposition's rally last weekend, I doubt the ruling party can maintain the three state seats. The parliamentary seat probably have a 50% chance.
I saw on telly yesterday that the ruling party's rally in Shah Alam was not popular at all I can even count the turnout with my two hands! I think Gombak, Shah Alam & Klang will have a tough fight this time around... and Darul Naim will forever remain bercahaya dengan bulan... ;-)
I've casted my vote at the last two elections. Hmmm... I'm still thinking of which colour to pangkah now. Mine will be at the P117. I've got not much job to do. Only one box to pangkah. Only for the 'P'. No 'N'. And only two candidates to choose from. No bulan penuh & no bulan sabit. Just one rocket which is still on the ground and one dacing which really has tested our patience on the domestic front.
I think, I'll vote for my birthday party. This time, pangkah both box. ;-) Quote of the Day : Be who you are and be that well. Saint Francis de Sales
Gambar ini diambil semasa saya bersantai di Tok Li, menghadap ke Lebuhraya Karak. Kelihatan 6 orang pekerja sedang bertungkus lumus menyiapakan mercu tanda baru parti kerajaan BN di Sri Gombak. Sebilah keris stainless steel seberat 600kg akan menghunus ke bumi tidak lama lagi.
Sebenarnya projek ini sudah bermula beberapa bulan lalu tetapi terbengkalai separuh jalan. Ianya di sambung semula sehari selepas kerajaan mengumumkan tarikh pilihanraya umum. Satu contoh projek management yang tidak patut dicontohi oleh kontraktor2 kerajaan.
Kami berdoa agar kontraktor ini tidak buat2 lupa untuk membayar bil air dan elektrik yang digunapakai di kedai kami untuk menyiapkan projek ini.
Jika mereka buat2 lupa, kami akan pastikan yang keris itu menghunus ke dalam perut mereka pula. Ya, cucu2 Tok Li adalah pakar silat hasil ilmu turun temurun nenek moyang kami. (Heheheee... just kidding laaa...)
Quote of the Day A single question can be more influential than a thousand statements. Bo Bennett