Friday, August 8, 2008


[Photo : Our 'Beeeeloved' next door neighbour at Tok Li]
I am sure all hours in today's diary for Tok Imams, Tok Sami, Tok Paderi etc are all fully booked up. Everybody wants to mark this special date for the most memorable event in their life. We also have a catering order for a wedding ceremony tonight.

I still remember in 1988, August the 8th, the first princess of the second prince of Queen EIIR was induced to see the world (I still don't think it's a natural birth) so that she can have a birth cert with 08.08.88 number on it.

I know a lot of people will pay a lot of dosh just to have a No.8 on their car plate number.One tycoon even left a blank cheque at JPJ to have that number booked!

Our beeeeloved neighbour at Tok Li , instead of naming his eatery something like "Yee Kum Kee Curry Mee", has a signboard that simply has number "88888888" on it (as per above photo). The numbers were supposed to be for prosperity but... 8 months down the road (starting last week), they're now cutting down operating hours, closing at 4.00pm instead of the usual 12midnight.
(nb. I will tell you later why I call them our 'beeeeeloved' neighbour).

I, my brother & my niece, the three of us share the same birth date on April 28th. There is NO way I can afford a No.28 number plate... emmm...speaking of which... I don't mind taking over this black beauty at a Perdana's price. Read the story here.

Errr...what more to have that number plate with MY initials ! TA is yours truly, M is my dad's. and 28?? Hehhhh!

Photo courtesy (hehehhh) of The Star.

Quote of the Day : Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself.
Doris Lessing

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