When I hear a friend having problems with another friend, all I can say is... at this age, I no longer have friendship problems. Just ignore those who have wronged you and leave. There is no point arguing about nothing.
You can easily spot fair weather friends. They will only appear when you have made a name. They are never near when you need them the most.
Life is all about choices. Choose wisely.
Nabi SAW bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Kawan pendamping yang salih ibarat penjual minyak wangi. Apabila dia tidak memberi minyak wangi, kamu akan mencium keharumannya.
Sedangkan kawan pendamping yang buruk ibarat tukang besi. Apabila kamu tidak dijilat oleh apinya, kamu akan terkena asapnya.”
(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari)
Po, yes Po, YES.
ps. nanti saya sambung cerita bergambar pasal "Our Beeeeeloved Neighbour" tu OK... ;-)
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